Mosrse transitions:
two tori touch at 4 singular points then deform into a genus 5
surface. later two holes are closed leaving a genus 3 surface.
People have played with explicitly parametrized surfaces to produce shapes like the
or many others. One does not get closed surfaces of higher genus that way. Implicitly defined
closed surfaces are easily obtained with high genus. This animation is one of the simplest examples:
multiply two functions which each have an ellipse as minimum set and vary the distance of the
two ellipses. —
Join of 2 Tori
Bretzel5 Implicit Surface
are similar examples.
Fix the position of the two minimum-set-ellipses and vary the level value of the function.
A closed geodesic is computed on one of the level surfaces.
(anaglyph rendering)
Morse transition:
two holes of a genus 3 surface are closed to deform into a
genus 1 surface (torus). the torus is rotated and develops two
conical singularities, the deformation ends with an outer and an
inner sphere - see the following anaglyph picture.
Passing through two singularities the torus deforms into two spheres,
one inside the other.