Weierstrass p-Function

weierwp rectang gauss 001
Thirteen different doubly periodic Weierstrass p-functions with rectangular fundamental domains. Range: Gaussian plane.
weierwp rectang riemann 001
Thirteen different doubly periodic Weierstrass p-functions with rectangular fundamental domains. Range: Riemann sphere.
weierwp rhombic gauss 001
Thirteen different doubly periodic Weierstrass p-functions with rhombic fundamental domains. Range: Gaussian plane.
weierwp rhombic riemann 001
Thirteen different doubly periodic Weierstrass p-functions with rhombic fundamental domains. Range: Riemann sphere.
weierwp rhombic inverse
Inverse image of a standard polar grid under a Weierstrass p-function with rhombic fundamental domain.
weierwp parallelo gauss
Doubly periodic Weierstrass p-function with a parallelogram as fundamental domain. Range: Gaussian plane.
